WHO: Alliance with industry raises concerns over medicine regulation

May 20, 2014, the Third World Network (TWN) Info Service on Health Issues published detailed information outlining reasons for concerns about the conflict of interest involved in the WHO’s norms and standard-setting related to medicines due to the involvement of the International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH).
The current WHA session is expected to take a decision on whether to adopt the draft framework for Non-State Actors (NSAs), which includes a draft policy for engagement with the private sector.  The Draft NSA policy states that: “WHO’s processes in setting norms and standards must be protected from any undue influence”
There is concern that the very participation of WHO in ICH activities de facto legitimises guidelines developed by the pharmaceutical multinational industrial association and developed country regulators together, with a primary objective of serving the interest of pharmaceutical MNCs. To read TWN’s complete document click here

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