What is WHO Watch?  New video from Geneva:

Alice Fabbri explains why PHM watches the WHO
PHM follows closely the work of WHO, both through the Secretariat and the Governing Bodies. A team of PHM volunteers is attending the current EB meeting (both the Special Session on Ebola and the regular session), following the debate, talking with delegates and making statements to the Board. PHM is part of a wider network of organizations committed to democratizing global health governance and working through the WHO-Watch project.  The PHM commentary covers most of the agenda items of the EB 136 and includes a note on the key issues in focus at the EB, a brief background and critical commentary. The briefings and comments will be updated as the final Secretariat documents are published. All of these briefings are linked from PHM’s EB index page  where the updated integrated commentary can be also downloaded.
A new short video introducing WHO watch has just been released on YouTube  which presents an interview with one of PHM’s watchers, Alice Fabbri.  The film maker is Sebastien Sauges. Click here to see the video.

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