Radha Holla Bhar 1953 – 2021
Radha was one of the most intelligent among her peer group. She could grasp complicated subjects whether related to medicines, food, nutrition, agriculture, or even trade. She had tremendous capacity to analyse and write comprehensively and coherently . Radha had been a colleague in the Voluntary Health Association of India. On the medicines issue, she helped bring out a consumer-friendly educational kit on Rational Drug Policy. She worked with the late Dr Bala – former Coordinator of HAIAP and helped him put together and edit Fast Furious and Flexible.
Working closely with rational drug activists associated with the All India Drug Action Network (AIDAN) she brought out as part of the ‘EP campaign’ a High Dose Estrogen Progesterone Fixed Dose Combinations Advocacy Kit for Medical Doctors about why the FDC needed to be banned. With Navdanya and the Foundation for Research in Science Technology and Ecology Radha brought out the Agriculture Atlas. With BPNI – Breast Feeding Promotion Network – there were several documents including Complementary feeding of children with local foods and others with the initiative for Health and Equity in Society .
Radha was very much involved with conflict of Interest issues and was a part of the Alliance Against Conflict of Interest and she was an active member ofthe Right to Food Campaign.
As a human being Radha was warm and loving with literally no material ambitions and happy to contribute wherever she could. Her strong sense of social justice influenced the choices of her work. She suffered from multiple health problems in the last few years and even while sick having three peritoneal dialysis per week, and Parkinsonism, she continued to contribute significantly.
She leaves behind Bir her husband and her two daughters Aparna and Amrita and numerous friends and well wishers. Radha loved her doggie Simba, who she lost some years ago, her plants and Sufi music – symbolic of peace and harmony and the power of love and compassion.