Tribute to Professor Seneka Bibile by Sri Lankan medical student

Fourth year medical student and President, Students Involved in Rational Health Activities (SIRHA), Chamath Lavinda has written a brief history of  Sri Lankan national drug policy. He  describes Professor Bibile as the seed that produced a tree that bore the fruits of pharmaceutical reform in Sri Lanka.

For our founder, Dr Balasubramaniam (Bala), Professor Bibile was a personal role model and mentor. Bala joined the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Colombo led by Seneka Bibile, who went on to found Sri Lanka’s drug policy that has been used as a model internationally for the development of policies based on rational drug use.

Chamath Lavinda describes the significance of Professor Seneka Bibile’s role and the hugely important legacy he has left.

Read The Seed, Tree and Fruits of Sri Lankan Drug Policy here.

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