HAIAP News Bulletins

HAIAP News Bulletin, 1 July 2024
1. News from HAIAP
1.1 Zafar Mirza: Leader of peoples’ health in BMJ Global Health
      Tribute to Dr Zafrullah Chowdhury
1.2 BUKO – Pharmaceuticals and the environment – new project
1.3 Reminder- HAIAP website
2. Information sharing
2.1 MSF Leadership to close Access Campaign
2.2 Ethylene glycol in Thai products
2.3 Piloting the ‘elderly country club’ in Thai temples
2.4 Twenty nine years without Jonas Salk: You can’t patent the sun
2.5 International Community urged to end impunity for violence against healthcare in conflicts
2.6 Uncle Frog Mushroom Gummies
2.7 Big tobacco wins again – UK tobacco control crushed
See the complete Bulletin here

HAIAP News Bulletin, 1 June 2024
1. News from HAIAP
1.1 HAIAP 43rd Birthday May 29
1.2 Anwar’s Aphorisms
1.3 Olle Hansson Day
1.4 Other important anniversaries
1.4.1 Vale Martin Khor
1.4.2 TWN 40th Birthday
1.5 AMR activities in Thailand
1.6 Reminder- HAIAP website
2. Information sharing
2.1 WHO: Rich countries refuse to share vaccines, medicines & diagnostics for health emergencies
2.2 World Health Assembly – WHA 77
2.3 EPI 50 years
2.4 Barbara Mintzees: Drug companies pay doctors over A$11 million a year for travel and education.
See the complete Bulletin here

HAIAP News Bulletin, 1 May 2024
1. News from HAIAP
1.1 World NO TOBACCO  Day
1.2 World Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness Week – 18–24 November 2024 – and Catalyst Video Competition.
1.3 Reminder- HAIAP website
2. Information sharing
2.1 After PHA5
2.2 Israel’s Anti-UNRWA Campaign Falls Flat
2.3 India and Patent Law – Cures, Care and Competition
2.4 The Myth of the Free Market for Pharmaceuticals
2.5 Nestlé adds sugar to infant milk sold in poorer countries
Read the whole Bulletin here

HAIAP News Bulletin, 1 April 2024
1. News from HAIAP
1.1 HAIAP Books at TWN
1.2 Where There Are No Pharmacists in Mozambique
1.3 Reminder – World Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness Week – 18–24 November 2024
1.4 More reminders- HAIAP News in April 2024 – please send contributions now. 
        HAIAP website
2. Information sharing
2.1 Bangladesh Independence 26 March.
2.2 Vale Sidney Wolffe – Lancet Obituary
2.3 World Health Day April 7 2024: My health, my right
2.4  Countering misinformation: ‘Playbook
2.5 WHO List of Medically Important Antimicrobials
2.6 Medicines Law and Policy on TRIPS and sharing ‘know-how’ clauses
2.7 Donald Light – Good Pharma and Bad Pharma
Read the whole Bulletin here

HAIAP News Bulletin, 1 March 2024
1. News from HAIAP
1.1 HAIAP activity planning
1.2 HAIAP Website
2. Information sharing
2.1  Operation Amrith by Kerala Government – Care of antimicrobial medicines
2.2  Countering misinformation:
2.2.1 Washington Post: Peddling misinformation is a lucrative business
2.2.2 Mayo Clinic: Debunking COVID-19 myths
2.2.3 Health Affairs – Systematic review
2.2.4 Johns Hopkins University: National Priorities to combat misinformation
2.2.5 New England Journal of Medicine Catalyst: Combating misinformation as a core function of Public Health
2.3 Industry:  Profits over people – Public Citizen
2.4 World Health Day 2024 April 7 ‘My Health, My Right’: Art Competition
Read the whole Bulletin here

HAIAP News Bulletin, 1 February 2024
1. News from HAIAP
1.1 HAIAP activities
1.2 From Mira Shiva
2. Information sharing
2.1 Too much side effect information ‘reduces medication uptake’
2.2 PHM excluded from Prince Mahidol Award Conference (PMAC)
2.3 Oxfam research – access to affordable health care
2.4 The next generation of tobacco control measures
2.5 The UN’s top court didn’t call for a ceasefire in Gaza – how does NZ respond now?
2.6 Global inequities in access to COVID-19 health products and technologies: A political economy analysis Deborah Gleeson et al
2.7 Vaccine hoarding led EU countries to destroy over €4 billion in COVID vaccines
Read the whole Bulletin here

HAIAP News Bulletin 1 January 2023
1. News from HAIAP
1.1 Message from Dato’ Seri Anwar Fazal
1.2 Message from Tan Sri Dzulkifli Abdul Razak – Education for sustainable development
1.3 HAIAP website
1.4 HAIAP News December 2023
1.5 Anwar Fazal:  Indigenous Peoples Day
1.6 Challenges for India and the region- Mira Shiva
2. Information sharing
2.1 Australian nicotine ‘vape’ control effective January 1, 2024
2.2 DNDi roundup
2.3 TB drugs
2.4 WHO prequalifies a second Malaria vaccine, a significant milestone in prevention of the disease
2.5 Public citizen – 50 years
See complete Bulletin here

HAIAP News Bulletin, 1 December 2023
1. News from HAIAP
1.1 HAIAP’s future – small group meeting
1.2 Tan Sri Dzulkifli Abdul Razak: Whole Community Approach for SDGs
1.3 Malaysia and New Zealand: Tobacco products control
2. Information sharing
2.1 Solidarity with Palestine
2.1.1 Gaza Update PHM Meeting Nov 25
2.1.2 Ten books on the history of Palestine
2.1.3  Lancet:  The moral clarity of WHO’s Director-General
2.2 World AIDS Day December 1, 2023
2.3 WHO is an essential forum for debates on intellectual property and public health
2.4  Australian PM’s apology for thalidomide
See complete Bulletin here

HAIAP News Bulletin, 1 November 2023
1. News from HAIAP
1.1 From Barbara Mintzes – Notice for upcoming seminar on Commercial Determinants of Health
1.2 From TWN Under pressure J&J announces non-enforcement of bedaquiline patents in low and middle income countries
1.3 Malaysia DG Health supports WHO stance on Pandemic Treaty
2. Information sharing
2.1 Solidarity with Palestine
The October 7 Hamas attack on Israeli citizens and the taking of hostages were atrocities whose details and perpetration are still being clarified. An essential aspect of our reflection on these tragic events is an informed understanding of the history and contextual circumstances that contributed to the horrific tragedies still unfolding as of publication.
2.2 Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer will increase the USA list price of Paxlovid — 10,000% profit
2.3  Don’t count on PPP solutions: TWN
2.4  Tax exemption has been revoked for Oxfam India, CARE India, Legal Initiative for Forest and Environment and Environics Trust (Mira Shiva)
2.5 Philip Morris lobbying to stop WHO ‘attack’ on vapes and similar products
See complete Bulletin here

HAIAP News Bulletin 1 October 2023
1. News from HAIAP
1.1 HAIAP Malaysia Group meeting September 11, 2023
1.2  Nobel Prize Dialogue
1.3 PHA 5 in Argentina April 2024
2. Information sharing
2.1 Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday October 2
2.2. UNGA: Political Declaration on pandemic pays lip service to equity
2.3 Medicines Law and Policy:  Current drafts of the WHO Pandemic Accord lack a provision for access to knowhow/trade secrets. We drafted one.
2.4 The role of patients in health policy and the problem with industry links to patient groups – ISIUM newsletter September 2023
2.5 Lancet: Richard Horton says Primary Health Care is not enough
2.6 Medicines donations: a review of policies and practices
2.7 Infection prevention and control guideline for Ebola and Marburg disease
 – World Health Organization (WHO)  August 2023
2.8 Doubt about efficacy of oral phenylephrine.
2.9 Under the knife: the 2024 health budget for the Philippines
2.10 19th International Association of Health Policy Europe IAHPE conference on ‘Capitalism, Pandemics and Public Health
See complete Bulletin here

HAIAP News Bulletin, 1 September 2023
1. News from HAIAP
1.1  Record of HAIAP Forum May 27-29, 2023 in Penang and follow-up
1.2  Public health advocacy strategies to influence policy agendas: lessons from a narrative review of success in trade policy from Belinda Townsend, Brigitte Tenni,  Sharni Goldman, Deborah Gleeson.
2. Information sharing
2.1   TWN Third World Resurgence:  Big Pharma isn’t working
2.2   Aftinets: Big pharma opposes WHO and EU attempts to prioritise health over patents in future pandemics
2.3.  Britain’s trade deal with India at risk amid row over cheap generic drugs – India stands up to the pressure.
See complete bulletin here

HAIAP News Bulletin, 1 August 2023
1. News from HAIAP
1.1  Record of HAIAP Forum May 27-29, 2023 in Penang and follow-up
1.2  Philippines partners in Negros campaign
2. Information sharing
2.1 Big Pharma in USA tries to sue Medicare
2.2 Big Pharma and their blister-packs
2.3 India’s Rejection of Drug Patent Term Extension in FTAs Will Promote Access – TWN
2.4 Polio Eradication (Lancet)
See complete bulletin here

HAIAP News Bulletin, 1 July 2023
1. News from HAIAP
1.1  Record of HAIAP Forum May 27-29, 2023 in Penang
2. Information sharing
2.1 Malaysia Tobacco Bill and E-nicotine
2.2 Sri Lanka NMRA lacked professor in pharmacology for months
2.3 Lancet June 2023
2.3.1 Lancet:  Backsliding on human rights and equity in the Pandemic Accord  
2.3.2 Lancet UHC:  Improving access to medicines for non-communicable disease
including mental health conditions
2.3.3 Lancet – Book: Political complicity in junk food industry tactics
See complete bulletin here

HAIAP News Bulletin, 1 June 2023
1. News from HAIAP
1.1   HAIAP Forum May 27-29, 2023 in Penang
2. Information sharing
2.1 World Tobacco Day in Malaysia
2.2 Border Medicine in Thailand
2.3 AMR Dictionary
2.4 Kookkai catches a cold
See complete Bulletin here

HAIAP News Bulletin, 1 May 2023
1. News from HAIAP
1.1   HAIAP Forum planned for May 27-29, 2023 in Penang
1.2   Vale Zafrullah Chowdhury
2. Information sharing
2.1 The Big Catch-up  – World Immunisation week April 24-30
2.2 Lancet – Immunisation Challenge
2.3  Access to Covid-19 Therapeutics Flowchart – Medicines Law and Policies
See complete bulletin here

HAIAP News Bulletin, 1 April 2023
1. News from HAIAP
1.1   HAIAP Forum planned for May 27-29, 2023 in Penang
1.2   Olle Hansson Award 2023 – to Claudio Schuftan and Michael Tan
2. Information sharing
2.1 Bhopal
2.2 WHO 75th birthday
2.3 Masks DO prevent spread of COVID-19
2.4 Film link El Peor de los Mundos (The worst of all worlds) with English Subtitles
See complete Bulletin here

HAIAP News Bulletin, 1 March 2023
1. News from HAIAP
1.1  HAIAP Forum planned for May 27-29, 2023 in Penang
1.2 Olle Hansson Award 2023
2. Information sharing
2.1 WHO Progress Reports on AMR
2.2 Moderna and Pfizer want to increase vaccine prices
2.3 Draft Global Strategy on Infection Control and Prevention
See complete bulletin here

February 1, 2023
1. News from HAIAP|
1.1   HAIAP Forum planned for May 26-29, 2023 in Penang
1.2  The Quest for Human Rights – a continuing challenge – Claudio Schuftan
2. Information sharing
2.1 Human Rights Watch World Report 2023
2.2 The Lancet at 200: a start, but more to do
2.3 The India Story: Survival of the richest
2.4 Quality of CV Medicines in Indonesia
See complete bulletin here

January 1, 2023
1. News from HAIAP
1.1   Olle Hansson Award
1.2   2022 in retrospect
1.3  The Quest for Human Rights – a continuing challenge – Claudio Schuftan
2. Information sharing
2.1 Recent children’s deaths in Uzbekistan from ethylene glycol in cough syrup
22. Equal access to medicines and technologies as elusive as ever – Medicines Law & Policy
See complete bulletin here

December 1, 2022
1. News from HAIAP
1.1   Vale Prem Chandran John
1.2   Olle Hansson Award 2023 Call for Nominations
1.3   Limited number of HAIAP at 40 hard copy book still available
2. Information sharing
2.1  ReAct: Antibiotic Smart Communities in the Asia Pacific region
2.2  Vale ORS Pioneer: Dr Dilip Mahalanabis
2.3  More on dangerous cough syrups for children
2.4  New Booklets from TWN
2.5 Nepal develops new National Medicines Policy
See complete bulletin here

November 1, 2022
1. News from HAIAP
1.1   Olle Hansson Award 2023 Call for Nominations
1.2  TRIPS on-line launch event HAI – November 2
1.3  ReAct webinar November 10. ‘Moving towards an Antibiotic Smart Community’
1.4   Dr B Ekbal Review – from Spanish Flu to Covid: The Pandemic Century:  One Hundred Years of Panic, Hysteria, and Hubris by Mark Honigsbaum
1.5  HANDS Strategy 2030
1.6   Limited number of HAIAP at 40 hard copy book still available
2. Information sharing
2.1  Blueprint on Health Reform in Malaysia: Peoples Health Forum
2.2  Dangerous cough syrups for children
2.3  Shigella – antibiotic resistance
2.4  Another No for Ivermectin – JAMA October 21, 2022
See complete Bulletin here

October 1 2022
1. News from HAIAP
1.1   Professor Ken Harvey retires from anti-quackery crusade
1.2    India – New Essential Medicines List
1.3    Thailand Smart Use AMR campaign – knowledge and perceptions
1.4   Sri Lanka – Uncertainty over future of health care
1.5   Pakistan HANDS flood response
1.6   Limited numbers of HAIAP at 40 hard copy book available.
2. Information sharing
2.1  Medical Product Quality Report 2022- COVID-19 issues
2.2  Pharma Rep lament and response from one GP
2.3  Australia – NPS MedicineWise will be gone by the end of the year
2.4  The Problem with the Formula Milk Industry – BMJ webinars
2.5  TWN: Intellectual Property Rights Series no. 18  – Remedies Against Excessive Pricing of Patented Medicines Under Competition Law
See complete Bulletin here

September 1 2022
1. News from HAIAP
1.1     IIUM Award. On August 13, Dato Seri Anwar Fazal received  the International Islamic University Malaysia  Ibn Khaldun Merit Award for Global Social Transformation on behalf of HAIAP.
1.2    Pakistan Floods.  Devastating rains, floods and landslides have had an enormous impact on more than 33 million people in different parts of Pakistan. HANDS Pakistan responds.
1.3    Thailand has legalised cannabis, but its war on drugs continues.  What does it mean?
1.4   Limited numbers of HAIAP at 40 hard copy book available.
2. Information sharing
2.1  Time to stop using ineffective Covid-19 drugs –  NEJM
2.2  PHARMA COVID-19 vaccine dispute
2.3 Australian vaccine production hub should share technology and know-how for global vaccine justice
2.4  At the UN, states and anti-rights actors join forces to push back against gender justice
See complete bulletin here

August 1 2022
1. News from HAIAP
1.1       Amit Sengupta birthday memorial meeting and fellowship awards
1.2       2022 Palestine- 40 years – Special report and video from Dr Swee Chai Ang
– shared by Dr Chan Chee Khoon
1.3       Limited numbers of HAIAP at 40 hard copy book available.
2. Information sharing
2.1 Oxfam media briefs
2.2. Medicines Law and Policy: Seven recommendations for sharing intellectual property, know-how and technology – report of Global Expert Group on the Pandemic Treaty published by BMJ Global Health
2.3  Lancet Law Reform for One Health
2.4  Pharmaceutical crime:  FDA and control of DTCA:  Public Citizen – Direct to Consumer Advertising (DTCA)
2.5  Joel Lexchin: Sponsorship of Australian and New Zealand medical societies by healthcare companies
2.6. Shared by Anwar Fazal – Native American tribes reach $590 million opioid settlement from drug distributors, J&J
Download complete Bulletin here

July 1 2022
1.  News from HAIAP
1.1       Amit Sengupta’s birthday celebration July 5
1.2       HAIAP at 40 –  book available
1.3       Dr B Ekbal’s Pamphlet ‘Drug Price Rises in India’
1.4 Floods in Bangladesh: GK flood relief
1.5 Public Citizen 50 year anniversary
2. Information sharing
2.1  Press Release- International Statement Demanding Teesta’s Release
2.2  Fair Pharma Scorecard
2.3   Violence against health-care workers in the Philippines Lancet May 28
2.4  Pandemic preparedness means policy makers need to work with social scientists Letter from CSOs, Lancet May 30, 2022
2.5    Update on TRIPS waiver
2.5.1 WTO: CSOs call on ministers to reject current draft of TRIPS Decision
Published in SUNS #9596 dated 16 June 2022
2.5.2  Aftinet Australia  After nearly two years of delays, this week the WTO has made a weak decision that puts Big Pharma profits ahead of the lives of millions of people.
2.5.3  WTO Covid-19 TRIPS Decision: Medicines Law and Policy observations
See complete bulletin here

February 1, 2022

See complete Bulletin here

TOPIC 1.   News from HAIAP 

1.1) Olle Hansson Award to recognise significant people

The Olle Hansson Award was considered in the light of including posthumous awards to very significant people.  It was agreed that very exceptional significant people eg Amit Sengupta, Martin Khor, Uncle Idris Mohamed must be honoured.

It was agreed by the Olle Hansson Award selection committee that this could happen retrospectively so they would be honoured in the time they were living.

The OH Award has not been presented since 2008 so it was agreed that The Award should go to Amit Sengupta for 2018, and jointly to Martin Khor and Uncle Idris Mohamed for 2019.  The 2020 Award would recognise Azmi Hassali. Tributes to these special people will be part of the HAIAP 40 book launching ceremony.

1.2) The HAIAP 40 Book

The Zoom ceremony to launch the HAIAP 40 book will take place on April 7 (World Health Day) or May 23 (Olle Hansson Day) (2022) – depending when the book is ready and will include tributes to these wonderful people. The book will be available electronically but in addition some hard copies will be printed in collaboration with TWN and other organisations.

TOPIC 2.   COVID 19 updates.

It must be noted that new information continually emerges so it is difficult to remain up-to-date. However therapies that have been found to be of no use will remain inappropriate so a table of inappropriate treatments has been prepared. The monoclonal antibody group of medications are ‘of interest’ and some have been recommended but maybe not useful in practice due to cost.

Other information along with the necessary caveats. (Suggest looking at the documents in order)

2.1)  Medicines NOT FOR USE for COVID 19.

2.2). Treatment flowchart 13 January 2022

2.3). Nirmatrelivir / ritonavir (Paxlovid) – approved for treatment and to be available as generic. With the possible availability of Paxlovid and the huge number of drug interactions associated with this product it is crucial to ensure a treatment model that incorporates adequate medication history and drug interaction management will be critical. See 2.4.

2.4a). Liverpool table of drug interactions  (relevant to COVID-19 treatment related drugs)

2.4b) Emergency Use of ‘Paxlovid’ FACT SHEET See 2.4b attachment

2.5) Molnupiravir: medicines Patent Pool announced 27 Generic companies are licensed to produce this drug/  https://medicinespatentpool.org/news-publications-post/27-generic-manufacturers-sign-agreements-with-mpp-to-produce-molnupiravir

3.   TOPIC 3. Sharing

3.1) Time to get serious about an Asean NWFZ from Prof Chee Khoon Chan

3.2) COVID-19 patients and their management in a tertiary care centre in Nepal from Dr Kumud Kafle