HAIAP Meeting November 10-12 2017 deferred

Following communications with HAIAP partners  concerning the HAIAP Meeting 10 – 12 Nov 2017, we found that very few partners were able to participate at that time.
Most of our partners were unable to participate due to inability to raise travel funds and prior work commitments.

In collaboration with  Dr Zafrullah of GK, Bangladesh, we jointly came to the decision that it would not be sensible to carry on with the meeting this November.  The costs, time and effort involved for those few outside Bangladesh, who have committed, would not be justified.  We think that it would make more sense to hold the HAIAP meeting as a satellite meeting next year in conjunction with the bigger PHM meeting, concentrating on the issues previously identified: Ensuring Access to Affordable, Safe Quality Essential Medicines and their Rational Use and considering activities that could feasibly be undertaken by HAIAP Partners.

For more information about the planned meetings go to.

HAIAP-PHM Meetings, Bangladesh, 2017 /2018

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