Anwar Fazal received the Ibn Khaldun Merit Award for Global Social Transformation

We are very proud to announce  that Anwar Fazal has been awarded the International Islamic University of Malaysia  Ibn Khaldun Merit Award for Global Social Transformation on behalf of HAIAP.

The International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) Ibn Khaldun Award, introduced in 2018, is an award to recognise organisations that lead and contribute in terms of expertise or charitable work for the community without expecting monetary returns.  According to IIUM Rector, Prof. Emeritus Tan Sri Dato’ Dzulkifli Abdul Razak:

‘This award is a sign of appreciation and gratitude to the front-line staff and to some extent it is a catalyst to raise their spirits in carrying out their duties’.

We at HAIAP are honoured and humbled to receive this award. On August 13 Datuk Seri Mohammed Anwar Fazal Mohammed received the IIUM Award from Queen Azizah of Malaysia at the IIUM Convocation Ceremony 2022.

Addressing citizens of the universe, children of mother earth, brothers and sisters, he thanked IIUM on behalf of HAIAP. Anwar acknowledged the global team and special people in HAIAP’s 40 year journey and described some of the battles, for example, those undertaken against large corporations and even governments in order to achieve safe, necessary and effective essential medicines for all who need them at a cost that all can afford.

He noted Consumer Interpol that was developed by HAI in collaboration with WHO that had been described by International Interpol as catching more criminals than they had. 

He emphasised the five principles that guide our work: conscience, courage. competence, creativity and conviviality.

The transcript of Anwar’s address will be available on the HAIAP website. Watch the ceremony here

start at 2.08.04

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