HAI Europe – Access to Insulin

Statement to WHO Expert Committee on Essential Medicine

In the week of 1 April 2019, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Expert Committee on the Selection and Use of Essential Medicines meets to discuss to revise and update the WHO’s Model List of Essential Medicines.

Hans Hogerzeil made the following statement, on behalf of Health Action International (HAI), with regard to the application to include long-acting analogue insulin in the next World Health Organization Model List of Essential Medicines.


Monday November 14th – World Diabetes Day.   

To mark the day, HAI Global launched a podcast that sheds light on many of the barriers that are preventing 1 in 2 of those in need of insulin from accessing this life-saving medicine

Podcast: http://insulin.podbean.com/e/world-diabetes-day-eyes-on-insulin/

To ensure that the World keeps its “Eyes on Insulin”, the ACCISS study will also be posting a series of short videos that go in-depth about the challenges and opportunities for improving access to insulin.

Videos: http://haiweb.org/what-we-do/acciss/acciss-reports/eyes-on-insulin/

November marks the end of the second year of our three year study on improving access to insulin.  We are pleased to share our findings with you all. Please inform your networks and contacts about this podcast.

 Health Action International (HAI) podcasts and videos- informed by the global survey of patient prices of insulin.

This survey was part of a project entitled Addressing the Challenge and Constraints of Insulin Sources and Supply ( ‘ACCISS Study’). The project is co-led by Richard Laing (Boston University), David Beran (University of Geneva) and Marg Ewen.
In this first year of the project we mapped the global insulin market to determine which pharmaceutical companies manufacture insulin, formulations, prices, trade issues, tariffs, patents on insulin etc., as well as regulatory issues related to market authorisations for biosimilars. Current initiatives to improve access to insulin were also examined.
We collected government procurement prices of insulin and reimbursement prices in addition to patient prices. Insulin comes in various forms and presentations (human/ analogue, vials/pens etc.) and at different prices.
For this survey, we collected patient prices for insulin products in the public sector and the private sector, in as many countries of the world as possible.
Members were asked to contribute by
1. Going to their nearest public hospital to ask the full patient price for outpatients of each insulin product in stock. If insulin is provided free of charge ionformation was collected about what insulin was in stock. If patients pay a part-charge (also called a co-payment) they asked for the full price.

Forms were accessed at

2. Member went to the nearest private retail pharmacy to ask the patient price for each insulin they have in stock and used the same data entry tool.
3. To assess the affordability of insulin,  the daily wage of the lowest paid unskilled government worker in your country (in local currency)was entered into the survey tool. We  then calculated how many days a person has to work to pay for 10ml of each insulin in the outlets.
This data, along with the other findings from our study, was used to develop interventions to improve access to this important medicine.
You can read more about the project on

Marg Ewen
Coordinator, Global Projects (Pricing) Health Action International (HAI) Overtoom 60/II 1054 HK Amsterdam The Netherlands
Web site: http://www.haiglobal.org

Popularising Generic Medicines through Yagshagana Theatre
SAKARA along with Drug Action Forum – Karnataka (DAF-K
) – have come together to promote the concept of use of generic medicines through the performance of Yagshagana – a theatre form that combines dance, music, dialogue, costume, make-up and stage techniques with a unique style and form.
The program is titled
Janapara Sanjeevini
performed Friday December 19, 2014

Thanks to Dr Gopal DabadePatient, King & Ministersmall

Dhanapal & Durmati small

Read the complete story about how the king clears the doubt of the patient/ subject regarding the efficacy of generic medicines here

A study on drugs for treating anaemia
To read this study by Dr Gopal Dabade, Dr R Kongovi, Dr SL Pawar and Dr AN Kabbur supported by DAF-K, NEEDS, AIDAN, JAA-K and HAIAP click here

Malaysia must not give in to the USA on the TPPA
CAP calls for Malaysia to withdraw from the TPPA:
As President Obama arrived in Malaysia, 26 April, the Consumers’ Association of Penang (CAP) reiterated their call on the Prime Minister not to make any concessions on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) being negotiated between Malaysia, the USA and 10 other countries. This is imperative. The International Trade and Industry Minister Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed has already promised the Malaysian public that Malaysia is standing firm on various issues in the TPPA including those that Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Mohd.  Najib Bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak himself has said fundamentally impinge on the sovereign right of the country to make regulation and policy such as intellectual property, investor-state dispute settlement, government procurement, state-owned enterprises and the environment. Read more here