April 2024
In this issue:

World Health Day – April 7
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
World TB day
TB in India
Discussion of WHO Essential Medicines List in BMJ
Nepal Workshops for RUM
Affordable Eye Care and Blindness Prevention
Do FTAs benefit India?
NEJM reckons with its racist and discriminatory history
Cockroaches and AMR
Feature: Controlling tobacco and nicotine products in Malaysia, New Zealand, Australia
Draft Pandemic Treaty analysis
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December 2023
In this issue:
HAIAP activities.
Special Days in December
Remembering Amit Sengupta
David Sanders 2nd ed Struggle for Health
Third World  Resurgence – Justice is non-negotiable
Feature: Kerala AMR Plan & Strategy
Feature: Thailand: AMR initiatives
– Responding to challenges at national borders.
Australian PM apologises for thalidomide
Malaysia and NZ fight to control vapes
Regional Centres of Expertise aims for sustainable devt.
Spanish Flu ‘remedies’.
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August 2023
In this issue
Health Action for All – the way forward Penang  May 2023
Time for ASEAN No Nukes network:
World’s health and medical community – time to take a stand against nuclear weapons
Indigenous health – self-determination is key
Health blessing of the rich, desired wealth of the poor.
Health for the Elderly in Thailand.
Nutritional support for TB patients and RATIONS trial in Jharkhand, India …
Feature: Justice for Negros, Philippines:  Campaign Against Hunger and Disease.
Assessing WHO Pandemic negotiations
Seven Recommendations-Medicines Law & Policy
Are pharma-funded ‘awareness’ campaigns a blind spot?
The status of Malaysian legislation concerning ‘e-cigs’
Sudan: the impact of conflict on AMR
AMR Thailand
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April 2023
In this issue
Health Action for All – the way forward Penang  May 27.
The Olle Hansson Award 2023 to Claudio Schuftan and Michael Tan
Claudio Schuftan: Need for UN reform.
WHO 75 years
Rajasthan: Right to Health Act
Feature: World TB day and  Indian production of bedaquiline
Unravelling commercial determinants of health –Lancet.
‘Vape’ products in Malaysia
How lies help to sell ‘vapes’
Australia: First Nations PHC graduates.
New Books from TWN
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December 2022
In this issue

Remembering  Dr Prem Chandran John
The Olle Hansson Award 2023
Quality use of antimicrobials
PNG Antimicrobial treatment guidelines
WHO priority fungal pathogens
Feature: The legacy of Louis Pasteur at 200 years
World AIDS Day 2022
Australia: The end of NPS MedicinesWise.
Curriculum for pharmacists on falsified and substandard medicines
Understanding selection of cancer medicines for the WHO EML
Books from TWN
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August 2022
We are very proud to announce  that Anwar Fazal has been awarded the Ibn Khaldun Merit Award for Global Social Transformation on behalf of HAIAP. The Award was presented by Queen Azizah of Malaysia at the International Islamic University of Malaysia  (IUM) Convocation Ceremony 2022.
In this issue:
The ongoing battle for access to affordable essential medicines and vaccines.
Big Pharma is still making absurd profits off the pandemic
WTO: Anti-diversion provision in waiver decision text emerges as the next flash point.
COVID-19 variants identified un sewage samples weeks before showing up in human tests
Fair Pharma Scorecard publishes a COVID-19 Edition.
Human rights: Claudio Schuftan – Neoliberalism, Left/Right politics and food for mixed-up thoughts
ASHA: Action For Securing Health for All and
ASHA Workers’ Struggle For Survival In Shadows Outside WHO Spotlight
Feature: HANDS response to devastating floods and Institute of Development Studies -Tanveer Ahmed
Anwar Fazal received the IIUM Award from Queen Azizah of Malaysia.
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April 2022
In this issue:
Olle Hansson  Award  2022 and 2018, 2019, 2020

World Health Day April 7…
Call for a people’s vaccine…
Molnupiriavir production rights for Thailand?  …
WTO response to TRIPS waiver call (ML&P)…
Can trials conducted by drug companies be trusted?……
Feature: Thai ‘RDU country ‘project update…
Community advocacy for AMR: Kerala……
Failure to declare Conflict of Interest – Australia ..…
Gonoshasthaya Kendra activities 2022..…
GK supports Garment workers ..
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December 2021
AWARDS:  Dr Olle Hansson Award, GK/HAIAP Award
The deadlines for applications has been extended to January 31 2022
Gonoshasthaya Kendra – COVID-19  Hospital in the home
Wealthy nations starve the world of vaccines –
Deborah Gleeson
Imagine – health and trade ministers in one room? – Ellen ‘tHoen
Human Rights –  Food for thought – Claudio Schuftan
WAAW 2021:
Asian Veterinary Association, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Pakistan
World AIDS day 40 years
Martin Khor and Chakrivarthi Raghavan – a tribute
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August 2021
In this issue we explain the two new Awards:  Dr Olle Hansson Award and the GK/HAIAP Fellowship Award  (P 2,3)  and the Student Research Project (p 14)
Also included:
Significance of HAIAP – Past Present, Future – Niyada K Angsulee
Working with and learning from HAI/HAIAP  – Dr Mira Shiva
Bridging the gap: Academics support the TRIPS Waiver.
Defending access to medicines in regional trade agreements – Belinda Townsend
Insulin 100 years
Thalidomide withdrawal 60 years
Antimicrobial Resistance: ReAct- 3 key take-aways from WHA 74
And from the Sri Lanka Students  Involved in Rational Health Initiatives (SIRHA)
A feature: Indoor Pollution and a description of their Professor Senaka Bibile Memorial Debate
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April 2021
HAIAP 1981-2021 Celebrating 40 years
Access to affordable new medicines, vaccines and devices: History, Complex Issues and Advocacy – Beverley Snell
Whoever finds the vaccine must share it – Human Rights Watch
World’s poorest countries at India’s mercy for vaccines – Achal Prabhala & Leena Menghaney
WTO DG’s vaccine event differing perspectives – D Ravi Kanth TWN
2021 World Health Day, World Year of Health-workers
Feature: Public Health Policies and healthcare workers response to COVID-19 in Thailand  Viroj Tangcharoensathien et al
Sri Lanka: the carb conundrum. Y Mapalagama
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HAIAP News April 2021

December 2020
Proposed India / South Africa IP waiver
Why COVAX is not enough
Explanation of vaccine efficacy estimates
Equitable access to vaccines
Vale Dr Mongkol Na Songkhla
The PHM position statement on access to vaccines
RCEP Trade deal
Feature –The struggle to combat COVID-19:
    Vietnam, Iran, Malaysia, Thailand, Widening inequities
World Antibiotic Awareness Week:
Thailand, Sri Lanka Student initiative, India – Access / Excess
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HAIAP News December 2020

August 2020
Vale Lakshmi Menon
Intellectual Property – Public Interest in the Covid-19 context
Solidarity Trials
Sweden’s gamble for herd immunity. Was it worth it?
Covid-19 in the Region
– Features:
   – Covid-19 – Will there be a vaccine soon?
– Response to Covid-19 pandemic:  Kerala – How it is done; Dharavi response
Mekong countries: Vietnam, Thailand, Lao PDR, Cambodia
New Zealand – new challenges
News in brief
FTAs, Quality of Medicines & Technologies, Profit Incentives
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HAIAP News August 2020

April 2020
Vale Martin Khor
World Health Day – Nurses and Midwives                                       
    HANDS Pakistan
Gonshasthaya Kendra Bangladesh
Covid 19 in our region   India, Kerala State, Singapore, Bangladesh. Malaysia, Pakistan, Thailand,  New Zealand
Treatment for COVID-19?                                                                  
Testing for Covid -19 (inc. ICMR Protocol)
Impact on access to essential medicines
Does BCG vaccination have an impact of COVID-19 infection?
Message from EPN
The COVID-19 drug pipeline
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HAIAP News April 2020

December 2019
Remembering Bhopal
Vale David Sanders
AMR Plan Implementation: New Zealand, Australia,
Antibiotic Awareness Week: Annamalai University,
Learning about food animals
RCEP Update
Pharmaceutical marketing – new publication
Misleading marketing, Regulating promotion in Australia
Measles in Samoa
Feature: Iran almost 50 years on – the miracle of Primary Health Care
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HAIAP News December 2019

August 2019
Tribute: SM Mohamed Idris

WHO 21st Model List of Essential Medicines
Improving affordability of new cancer medicines
Australia: NMP review, Antibiotics in agriculture
India: Bans collistin in animal feed, E-cigarettes
Trade agreements and health
Award to Margaret Ewen
Historic Books
Towards UHC Aadram Mission Kerala
Healthy Ageing – Kerala & Sri Lanka
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HAIAP News August 2019

April 2019
HAIAP Message to the people of Sri Lanka
World Health Day April 7: UHC
UHC – PHM Position
World Malaria Day  April 25
Immunisation Week – last week in April
Measles in 2019
World TB Day March 24
Olle Hansson Day May 23
Healers or Predators: book excerpts
Oxytocin – still controlled
Feature: Call for transparency on medicines prices
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HAIAP News April 2019

December 2018
HAIAP Tribute to Amit Sengupta 

40 Years since Alma Ata by Amit Sengupta 2018
Personal Tributes
FTAs and the current RCEP
Biological drugs –  Amit Sengupta
World Congress of Bioethics
Self organised workshop on AMR
HAIAP looking forward
Resources from HAI Europe
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HAIAPNews December 2018

August 2018
2018 Anniversaries
40 years Alma Ata PHC
70 years WHO, UK NHS
100 years 1918 flu epidemic
Feature: HANDS update
News in Brief
India, Australia, China
Fair price v essential medicines that are affordable
Lancet Hep C day
AMR – Resistance Roundup
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HAIAP News August 2018

April 2018
Message from the Chair
World Health Day April 7 – UHC
Bangladesh – GK: Dialysis for all who need it
Philippines Dengvaxia® issue
PHA 4 GK November 15-19, 2018
World TB Day March 24
TB in India – humans and animals
Access to Hep C drugs – Australia and Malaysia
Pharmaceutical companies and contemporary capitalism  – Joel Lexchin
The TPP .. update
Feature: Antimicrobial use in humans compared with accepted principles
Epidemiology of antimicrobial resistance
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December 2017
Tribute to Shila Rani Ranjith Kaur
Journey with HAI and HAIAP
Memories from friends and colleagues
Feature: Human Rights and the Rohingya Refugees
The TPP is dead….but 
India – the banned fixed drug combinations
CHOICE Shonky Awards 2017
WHO 20th Model List of Essential Medicines
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August 2017
HAIAP Meeting at Gonoshasthaya Kendra Nov 10-12
WHO updates Essential Medicines List
HAI supports no long acting insulins in WHO list
Global War on Tobacco
E-Cigarettes & regulatory options
Australia: regulating complementary medicines claims
Malaysia: Action needed on hepatitis C treatment
AMR/AMS Plans in our regions
Hand Hygiene saves lives
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April 2017
Message from the Coordinator
Revive Health for All
Thailand 10th Anniversary CL
The TPP is dead….but
Prescrire Awards 2016
No Thankyou! to Pharma invitations
AMR in Thailand – Colistin use in animals
India gears up to tackle AMR
More News from India
Strings attached to patient lobby groups
Potential price reductions for cancer medicines
MSF Fair Shot Campaign
New International MSH Price Guide
Regional Consultation Pacific Island Countries
World Health Day Reflections
HAI: Access to insulin studies
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December 2016
Message from the Coordinator
Dzulkifli Abdul Razak – Gilbert Award
Ken Harvey – Skeptic Award
Dr Halfdan Mahler – Tribute
TPP is dead
Lancet – Universal Health Coverage
Lancet – Next WHO DG priority – right to health
India: Ban on 344 FDCs lifted
HAI: Access to insulin study results
Where There are no Pharmacists:
study guide & test Q&A
World Antibiotic Awareness week in the region
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August 2016
Message from the Coordinator
Ken Harvey: ANZAAS award
Lancet: Physical activity study
Homeopathic vaccine peddlers
TPP update
India:   – Suicide after pressure to sell
– Pharmaceutical Marketing Code Fiasco
Iran’s PHC Program – 45 years
High cost of drugs
Private Patents Public Health
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April 2016
Message from the Coordinator
Tribute to Dr Andrew Herxheimer
Workshop report – PHM Colombo
Prescrire- drugs to avoid
Lobbying by Pharma
Doctors who take company cash
Ketamine – the real perspective
Impact of prices & the role of advocacy
Availability of FDCs & other problem medicines
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December 2015
Message from the Coordinator
CHOICE Shonky Awards
Chinese Traditional Medicines warning
TPP Text revealed
India’s Health Camps
Antimicrobial resistance awareness activities
in our region: Manila, Vietnam, China, Mongolia
Solomon Islands, Thailand, Malaysia, Fiji.
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August 2015
Message from the Coordinator
Prescrire New drug pricing- Does it make sense?
Therapeutic Advances?
TPPA negotiations as at August 2015
Countering counterfeit medicines
Private healthcare sector and UHC (Oxfam)
Australia: Controlling chiropractic promotion
AMH for Pacific Island Countries
Antibiotic Awareness Week    (Nov 2015)
Feature: Fiji: Antimicrobial stewardship preparation
Malaysia: Separation of prescribing and dispensing
GPs knowledge, attitudes and prescribing of antibiotics
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April 2015
Message from the Coordinator
TPPA negotiations as at April 2015
Drugs to avoid – Prescrire
Literature Links
Krill oil marketing Australia
Antibiotics & AMR (K Weerasuriya)
UHC Sri Lanka (MC Weerasinghe)
Other news
Homeopathic drugs: Australia & Canada
Ketamine secured for medical & vet use
The Lancet: For a tobacco free world
ADR reporting in Nepal
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December 2014
Message from the Coordinator
World AIDS Day: Mohga Kamal Yanni
E-drug – Books on Pills
IP issues and TPPA
Controlling counterfeit medicines update
Lancet Commission & 30 years of Essential Medicines memories                                           Tobacco control news – Australia, China
News from the Region
India and reliance on Chinese imports
Prescribers & generic medicines Malaysia, Australia
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August 2014
HAIAP Website questionnaire. (Will download to your computer if you click here )
Universal Health Coverage WHA meeting
IP Issues and access to medicines – the TPPA
Novartis data falsified
Antimicrobial Resistance Coalition Declaration
AIDS 2014 Melbourne
Tobacco control in the region
News from the Region
Malaysia, Australia, Pakistan, Bangladesh
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April 2014
New HAIAP Website launched
Awards –Prescrire Awards
IP Issues and access to medicines
Measles eradication, smallpox destruction, Fire in the Blood DVD
World Health Day Focus 2014 – Vector Control
Antibiotic use and antibiotic resistance in food animals in Malaysia
Vanuatu: NCD treatment cost study
News from the Region
Vanuatu, Australia, New Zealand, Pakistan
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December 2013
Award – HAI Winner of 2013 Prix Prescrire
TPPA update
HAI & MSF at Global Technical Meeting on R&D
Fiji: Development of a Medicines Registration system
Philippines – typhoon response
Bangladesh- Hunger strike
Thailand: Tobacco Legislation – Philip Morris sues
Antimicrobial Resistance Activities – Malaysia
Polio in Syria
Scientific research & pharmaceutical industry
Universal Health Coverage: Occasional Paper
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August 2013
Award – Kidsmart products
Consumer issues – The Checkout
Fire in the blood
Update on TPP negotiations
Can FDA be trusted
Doctors urged to Boycott dextropropoxyphene
War-torn Somalia eradicates polio – again
Two decades of struggle – Novartis, India
Legislation an essential tool for ensuring access to medicines policy goals
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April 2013
Lancet Series: non-communicable diseases
Case Study: HANDS Marvi workers
Feature: 200th anniversary of birth of John Snow
Conversation with Cipla leader – Yusuf Hamied
Pakistan: Challenges of vaccine preventable diseases
Thailand: Proposed FTA
Update: Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement
China (USA): Antibiotic resistance
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December 2012
Future of WHO hangs in the balance
The MARVI workers of HANDS in Pakistan
Controlling counterfeit medicines in South East Asia – science and collaboration
India: Novartis vs India update – supreme court hearing comes to an end
Malaysia: Challenges for Community Pharmacy
International Drug Price Indicator Guide MSH 2011: additional information available
Where There are no Pharmacists: French translation in Press
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August 2012
Capetown: PHM Call to Action
Sydney: APCNMP Workshop on pharmaceutical promotion
Solomon Islands: Upscaling the use of Zinc Sulphate in management of diarrhoea
Sri Lanka – Promoting pharmaceutical health: A novel method
Pacific Island Countries: Implementing National Medicines Policies
India: Big Pharma in legal battles for monopoly prices
India: Drug regulation in India – the time is ripe for change
Bangladesh: A Long History of National Medicines Policy: where are we now?
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April 2012
Ken Harvey – Consumer Championship Award
New report – Divide and Conquer
ACTA – impact on access to medicines
Iran: Primary Health Care and CHWs
After the floods – rebuilding Pakistan
India: Compulsory License for anti-cancer medicine
Pakistan: Drug regulation follows heart patient deaths
Vietnam: Declaration on Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement and access to medicines
Tobacco Control – Australia, Europe
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January 2012
National Medicines Policy Conference Sydney May 2012
Sri Lanka: Report of an exploration of medicine-taking by older people in the estate sector in Nuwara Eliya district, 2010.
Pakistan: Devolution of the Health Ministry:
Australia: The case of SensaSlim and the Therapeutic Goods Administration
HAI Activities 2011
New edition of Drug Donation Guidelines
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