Vale Sidney Wolfe

Sadly, Dr Sidney Wolfe died on Jan 1, 2024 at the age of 84. Sid Wolfe led the Health Research Group, part of the Washington-based Public Citizen organisation founded by consumer activist Ralph Nader. He was a doctor turned consumer activist who battled drug companies, lobbyists and regulators during a nearly five-decade crusade against ineffective, risky and overpriced medications that made him a hero to patient advocacy groups and an implacable foe to anyone who opposed him. He was an inspiration for us from the earliest days of HAI and then HAIAP. We will remember him and he will continue to inspire us.

Anwar Fazal sends this message:’Sidney Wolfe was a legend.. A public interest intellectual extraordinaire, disciplined researcher and an incubator and catalyst. He got things done. I met him in the early days of Ralph Nader whom I knew well.
Sydney Wolfe will continue to inspire us.’ Our tribute to him is here

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