Dr Zafrullah Chowdhury 1941 – April 11, 2023

It is with enormous sadness that we share the news that we have lost Dr Zafrullah Chowdhury. We have lost a giant.
He passed away at 11 pm on April 11.
This is devastating for all of us.
Zafrullah has been a  fighter, mentor, guide and inspiration.
He has been the father of a huge community family in Bangladesh and leaves Gonoshasthaya Kendra as a living memorial to his life.
We will remember forever his uncompromising role in the battle for health for all and we will honour him at our HAIAP forum in Penang in May.
We send our sincere condolences to his wife Shireen and family 
The Gonoshasthaya Kendra story
See also Remembering the Good Doctor

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