List of ‘books on pills’

Download the list here. The List is an Excel document which means that you can look at it from several ‘angles’.

This list was originally started by E-drug* Moderators in order to bring together books that addressed public health activism against the influence of Big Pharma and issues related to the rational use of medicines and policies supporting the same. In the 1970s and 80s, particularly, there were some very important books written. The list has grown to include texts that describe the history of the Essential Drugs movement and others that may be useful within this area.
1. This list is not exhaustive and is meant for information purposes only.
2. Listing a book should not be taken as an endorsement or recommendation by E-Drug or HAIAP or any other party.
3. Comments or reviews are the opinions of those who wrote them and not necessarily those of E-Drug or HAIAP members.
4. Some books are available from more than one publisher. Generally only one has been shown (and only one ISBN that may or may not correspond to the publisher shown) but this is should not be taken as a recommendation of this publisher or edition over other editions that might be available.
5. In some cases, new or updated editions may be available for the book that is listed.
7. While every effort has been made to be accurate, errors may be present in the titles, authors or other details.
8. This list has been compiled based on the principles and outlooks of E-Drug members and therefore many books will reflect their world view.
9. Categories, descriptions, keywords are provided to assist in browsing the list. However, these may be inaccurate or incomplete and there is overlap between categories.

Publications not included in the List
Public health/consumer organisation reports (with some exceptions)
Other international NGO reports and publications
Academic/scientific/biomedical journal articles (with a few exceptions)
WHO reports and publications (the reader is directed to the WHO documentation portal – see Useful links)
Press statements and the like.

*About E-DRUG

E-DRUG was established as the English language electronic discussion group on essential drugs. E-DRUG shares the same values and ideals as HAIAP and many members are common to both E-DRUG and HAIAP. It was launched in Boston in February 1995, by a group of volunteer moderators and the first message was posted on February 3.  Messages have been archived since June 1995 and by the end of 1995 communications from Netherlands, Italy, Australia, Madagascar, Spain, Denmark, South Africa, USA, Philippines, Pakistan, Brazil, Canada had already been recorded.  
Spreading vital information around the world, E-DRUG is used by health care professionals, researchers and policy makers to obtain and discuss current information on essential drugs, policy, program activities, education and training. Members also use E-DRUG to announce and learn of upcoming conferences or courses in their field. E-DRUG’S objective is to support the concept of essential drugs by improving and speeding up communications among all health professionals working in the field of essential drugs. Discussions focus on topics such as rational use of drugs, drug policy, economics and financing, supply and marketing, legislation and regulation, quality assurance and safety, and training. E-DRUG is specifically targeted to health workers in developing countries, and is based on simple off-line e-mail technology. 
To join E-drug send a message from the email address you would like to use to
Nothing is needed in the subject line or the body of the email.