The 2016 “Prescrire Prize” is awarded three noteworthy books
Each year Prescrire awards prizes to works of particular interest to the general public and/or healthcare professionals. The 2016 prize goes to three books:

Vulnerable migrants/foreigners – healthcare and assistance.
A practical guide for professionals.  Published by The Committee for Refugees’ Health. Available (in French) for free download from  and

They will no longer decide on our behalf!
The abortion debates in France, 1971-1975
Mailfert AC. Les petits matins, Paris 2015:
In France, the battle for abortion rights was a long and hard one. It culminated in the adoption of the French law of 17 January 1975, which made abortion legal under certain circumstances. This book, published on the 40th anniversary of that law and written by a feminist activist, illustrates the virulent nature of the debate at the time, and shows that abortion rights remain under threat, even in France. It can shed some light on the debates taking place in other parts of the world regarding the expansion or curtailment of abortion rights.

Communication for healthcare professionals,  2nd edition
Richard C et Lussier M-T. Éditions du Renouveau Pédagogique Inc. Canada.
This second edition, expanded and entirely updated, brings together theoretical principles and a wealth of educational materials to improve the communication skills of healthcare professionals.

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